A win-win situation
We would like to thank all the sponsors for their support in making the event a success, and contributing to the development and growth of table tennis. We also would like to welcome more partners to become a new part of the table tennis family.

Being connected to table tennis

High speed, high spin, high excitement

ITTF and DTTB can rely on their sponsors - and vice versa. A sponsorship of the LIEBHERR 2017 World Championships in Düsseldorf, whether by finances, goods or services is a real win-win situation. The cooperation partners will benefit from the prestigious and large indoor sport event with a top image and an immense worldwide impact on the 222 member nations of the ITTF. On the other side, the organizers of the LIEBHERR WTTC can create a more successful and professional event with the support of their sponsors.

Sportland NRW

NRW is leading the pack in many respects, especially when it comes to sport. The State Government and the Landessportbund umbrella organisation have created a network for sport, with the shared aim to strengthen volunteer work and community activities, to promote those sports that benefit social cohesion and to upgrade infrastructure and sports facilities.
North Rhine-Westphalia Government Ministry of Family, Children, Youth, Culture and Sport

Haroldstraße 4
40213 Düsseldorf


For more than 90 years, the German Table Tennis Association (DTTB) is responsible for table tennis in Germany. With about 590,000 active players in 10,000 clubs, the DTTB is well positioned. Numerous medals at Olympic Games, European and World Championships and hosting major international events in Germany shows that the association is successful in many respects.
German Table Tennis Assocation DTTB

Otto-Fleck-Schneise 12
60528 Frankfurt am Main


The International Table Tennis Federation is responsible for the global sport of table tennis and has 222 affiliated National Associations. Table Tennis is an Olympic Sport, introduced at the 1988 Seoul Olympics Games. Table Tennis is also a Paralympic Sport, introduced at the 1960 Rome Paralympic Games. President of the ITTF is Thomas Weikert, the former president of the DTTB, the German Table Tennis Association.
ITTF Headquarters
International Table Tennis Federation

Chemin de la Roche 11
1020 Renens / Lausanne

Sportstadt Düsseldorf

Each and every year, Düsseldorf is the site of numerous high-profile sports events. For yearly more than 1 million visitors, for citizens, athletes and sponsors the City of Sports offers compelling experiences and emotional images that remain in mind.
Düsseldorf Congress Sport & Event GmbH

Stockumer Kirchstr. 61
40474 Düsseldorf

Title Sponsor


Liebherr is not only one of the world's largest manufacturers of construction machinery. The more than 41,500 employees also help to shape technological advances in many other industries. The Liebherr Group is still an entirely family-owned group of companies. Since many decades, Liebherr is a great supporter of table tennis in Germany and the whole world.
Liebherr-International Deutschland GmbH

Hans-Liebherr-Straße 45
88400 Biberach an der Riß

Major Sponsors


The ARAG Group is the largest family entreprise in German insurance business and one of the world's top 3 legal protection insurances. The company supports table tennis since many years.

ARAG Platz 1
40472 Düsseldorf


The plus sign in the logo symbolises the Swiss quality and reliability Tissot has shown since 1853. The watches, sold in more than 160 countries, are authentic, accessible and use special materials, advanced functionalities and meticulous design.
The Swatch Group (Germany) Les Boutiques GmbH E-Commerce Tissot

Frankfurter Straße 20
65760 Eschborn, Germany

TaTa Tongchuang

Founded in 1999, TATA is one of the first professional companies in China to deal with the development, production, sale and services of residential doors.
Beijing TATA Tongchuang Industry Trade Company Ltd.


China Unicom

China Unicom


Equipment Sponsor


The company DHS, also known as Double Happiness, is a leader in the manufacture of table tennis equipment. DHS devotes to producing top-quality equipment for top games and top players. The matches at WTTC 2017 will be played on DHS tables.

Shanghai, China



Since 1951 Nittaku stands for high-quality table tennis products made in Japan. Since a first successful collaboration, the company have set themselves the goal of offering NITTAKU a new platform in Germany. Nittaku is the official LIEBHERR WTTC 2017 ball sponsor.
DONIC Tischtennis Sportartikel Vertriebs-GmbH

Vorderster Berg 7
66333 Völklingen


Gerflor is a group that creates, manufactures and markets innovative, decorative and eco-responsible solutions for flooring and interior finishes. Gerflor produces the well-known “red floor” for most of the table tennis events.

50, cours de la République
69627 Villeurbanne Cedex


Rheinbahn, established as the Rheinische Bahngesellschaft AG (Rhine Railway Company) in 1896, is the commuter company of the North-Rhine-Westphalian state capital Düsseldorf. With 709 vehicles, it conveys, on 110 lines, over 710,000 passengers on working days in a commuting area of 570 square kilometres with over a million inhabitants.
Rheinbahn AG

Hansaallee 1
40549 Düsseldorf

Tulip Inn

The fair, event and sports hotel Tulip Inn Düsseldorf Arena has a plenty to offer. Besides 288 modern business rooms and 35 event areas from 30 - 3.000 m², the individual operated hotel with international standards impresses most of all with its unique location next to the fairground, airport and Esprit Arena.
TULIP INN Düsseldorf Arena

Arena Straße 3
40474 Düsseldorf


The Stockheim-Group is a specialist for trade fair catering, event catering and system catering. Stockheim is an owner-managed family company, which was founded by Heinz Stockheim with 35 members of staff in 1948. Today, the company employs 950 people.

Karl-Benz-Straße 9
40764 Langenfeld

Bürotechnik Stosch

Vor über 70 Jahren ist die Rudolf Stosch Büromaschinen GmbH in Düsseldorf begonnen mit dem Vertrieb von Büromaschinen. Jetzt zählt die Firma zu den größten Anbietern für Lösungen im Kopier-, Druck- und Dokumentenmanagement in der Rhein-Ruhr-Region.
Bürotechnik Stosch

Schützenstraße 70
40211 Düsseldorf



Hadubrandstrasse 2
12683 Berlin


As a specialist for table tennis travels and as official travel partner of the German Table Tennis Association, Scharff Reisen offers attractive packages for nearly all big table tennis events.
Reisebüro Scharff e.K.

Jacobsstraße 19
54662 Speicher

AD ticket

Das inhabergeführte Unternehmen hat sich seit 2001 zu einem der führenden Ticketanbieter am deutschen Markt entwickelt und überzeugt namhafte Kunden im Sportbereich mit seinen Produkten. Über 6.000 Veranstalter mit unterschiedlichen Anforderungsprofilen zählen zum Kundenkreis von AD ticket .
AD ticket

Kaiserstraße 69
60329 Frankfurt am Main

Borussia Düsseldorf

Mit über 60 Titeln ist Borussia Düsseldorf der erfolgreichste Tischtennisverein der Welt. Der Rekordmeister verbindet erfolgreichen Profisport mit sozialem Engagement wie kein anderer – einzigartig unten den 10.000 deutschen Tischtennisvereinen.
Borussia Düsseldorf

Ernst-Poensgen-Allee 58
40629 Düsseldorf


HUAWEI ist der weltweit drittgrößte Smartphone-Anbieter und betreibt aktuell 18 internationale Forschungs- und Entwicklungseinrichtungen. Die HUAWEI Consumer Business Group hat ihre Europazentrale in Düsseldorf mit folgenden Bereichen: Smartphones, mobile Breitbandgeräte, Wearables, Convertibles und Cloud-Services.


Hansaallee 205
40549 Düsseldorf

Yishuge gGmbh i.G

Die gemeinnützige GmbH Yishuge möchte bei Kindern in Schulen, in Einrichtungen der Kinder- und Jugendarbeit Neugier auf Fremdes wecken und Wege zu innerer Ruhe und Ausgeglichenheit, Konzentrationsfähigkeit und künstlerischer Ausdruckskraft öffnen. Unser Team aus asiatischen und deutschen Künstlern und Lehrern bietet Kindern durch die spielerische, freie Beschäftigung mit Formen traditionellen asiatischen Kunst eine hervorragende Möglichkeit dieses Ziel zu erreichen.

Yishuge gGmbh i.G
In Zusammenarbeit mit Zonssen GmbH
Albrechtstraße 131
12165 Berlin
www.yishuge.org www.zonssen.de
partners & sponsors